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Jack Presents: 25 Years of Monsters and Mayhem Facade Model

Using paper, straws, colored pencils, and lots of glue, I created a scale model of one of my favorite facades featured at Universal Orlando's Halloween Horror Nights (HHN). Premiering at the 25th anniversary year of HHN, this facade features 4 spinning towers adorned with banners of past HHN Icons. Clutter items like dead bushes, ropes, barrels, etc. scatter the floor creating a path to traverse. A large flat of Jack the Clown towers at the end of the path through which you enter, starting your experience.


This is a personal project made entirely by me in my free time. I began with sketches of everything and made prototypes of the towers. I then drew the backdrop and tower artwork and constructed it all, adding cluttering items as details to the model.  


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